Monday, August 4, 2014

Mayim Chinese Restaurant @ Westmall

Mayim Chinese Cuisine
We frequent this restaurant very often as Westmall is close to our homes and there really isn't much to eat at Westmall. Besides Mayim, there is a Swensens, Sakae Sushi, a thai restaurant and the Koufu foodcourt (which I dislike because of the prices of their breakfast set).

Corn fried rice and sweet&sour pork
Compared to the other restaurants, Mayim is more affordable, unique, and less crowded. Each table is given a free flow serving of kimchi which tastes pretty good, of course you could reject the kimchi to avoid paying ~$1/pax.

Most items on the menu taste good, we usually share a rice dish with a couple of sides. The dim sum here is pretty good too, unfortunately they weren't serving dim sum at the time which is why GM is going to drag me to Tim Ho Wan to eat some dim sum later on in the week.

Tea is served in a single serve brewing cup, they will top up with hot water if necessary, but they aren't really attentive so you'll have to flag them down. Which can get embarrassing after awhile if you drink alot of tea like us.
GM enjoying the tea
In contrast, the service at Dian Xiao Er is always amazing with the waitresses obsessed with never allowing your cup of tea to reach the bottom before they get to top it up.

Pu Er w/ Chrysanthemum

Jasmine + something
Nice tea cups though. I would totally buy some, looks cheaper than Hario single serve brewing cups; plus I'm always afraid that the cats would knock over and destroy my Hario glassware, ceramic is heavier and probably won't tip that easily and would be less of a heartache to lose.

Green tea mochi
Mochi sucks. Don't recommend, but it's only $1.70 for 2, so maybe get it if your mouth is just itching for something to chew on.
Mango pudding
Mango pudding is okay, there are large chunks of mango in there. I think it's better to pay up and grab some shaved ice desserts from the foodcourt though.



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