Friday, July 11, 2014

Light meter alternative - DIY printable exposure calculator card!

In anticipation of the Zorki 4K that I have ordered from the 'bay, I started hunting around for an affordable light meter but quickly found out that even the cheaper light meters were already going to cost more than the Zorki. Bummer...

So I set out to learn the Sunny 16 rule, and found a really good article:

But then I needed a form of reference that I could bring around, at least until I internalise everything. 

So I started crafting an excel table, the idea was to print and cut out various slips with columns of shutter speeds corresponding to common ISOs and sliding them up and down against another column containing apertures. It turned out okay, but was unwieldy.

Then I found  the printable exposure calculator by Andrew Lawn:

It's basically my excel table except 10 times more refined.
Left to right: Crap, non-Crap 
I first printed one out on some 70gsm paper and used tape for the window and to reinforce it, but it was too flimsy for my liking. Used white card paper for the next one and it turned out nicely.

Slide the ISO to the exposure value and Done.
 The sliding bit did not slide well due to friction, so I added clear tape to the edges, problem solved.

Leftover plastic for window
The window should be covered with something rigid otherwise the paper tends to bend outwards. I used leftover plastic from those pesky blister/clamshell packagings.

I can't wait for the Zorki, my sis has loads of unused 35mm film in the freezer from her Lomography days, it seems like such a waste so I shall strive to use them all up!


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